Tuesday 24 January 2012

A Dream

Though she was gone from this world
She came in his dreams each night
In silken robes she drifted toward him
And he cherished this wonderful sight

She walked upto him in light footsteps
And gently kneeled over his bed
And planted kisses,full of warmth
On his masculine forehead

Thus, throughout the splendid night
She sat by his bed side,on a chair
in swift movements,she moved her hand
And caressed his silky hair

Then he looked into her eyes
Staring at her dreamy face
Apalled by her overwhelming charm
Marvelling at her grace

She kissed him fully on the lips
Then they were locked in an embrace
At last she broke away from him
When the sun rays fell on her face

Now it was time for her to go
He wished she would stay forever
Yet at the bottom of his heart he knew
Nothing in this world lasts forever

So as she turned her back at him
And walked out through the door
He bade her a sad goodbye
With teary eyes ,a throat so sore...

Saturday 14 January 2012


My rigid body,begins to shake
With uncontrollable fear
As I wait for apocalypse
To finally run me over.
As I learn the terrible truth
My mind delves into hysteria
My brain starts throbbing in pain
Herein begins my paranoia
Neurons are about to burst
And I begin to hallucinate
Searching for a way
To get out of this state.
I see stars in front of my eyes,
Lost in their magnificient dance
Unable to find a way
To get out of this trance.